Federal Parliament is currently holding an inquiry into religious freedom and belief in Australia. The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) has made a detailed submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry that addresses the terms of reference in relation to the Australian Jewish community and Jewish communities overseas.
The ECAJ is the elected national body representing the Australian Jewish community. The submission was also made on behalf of the ECAJ’s constituent and affiliate organisations throughout Australia, including the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia.
As well as representing the Jewish community to the Federal government and to the general public, the ECAJ is a partner of other ethnic communities and other faith communities in Australia with which it engages in regular dialogue. It also participates in human rights consultations hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of the Attorney-General and the community consultations on Australia’s Humanitarian Program conducted by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. Further, the ECAJ also represents the Australian Jewish community internationally, most notably as an affiliate of the World Jewish Congress, which represents Jewish communities in more than 100 countries.
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