ncjwa SEctions
NSWContact Details
Phone: 02-9363 0257
Office Bearers
- Acting Co Vice Presidents: Miri Orden, Maxine Bachmayer, Janet Merkur
- Immediate Past President: Victoria Nadel OAM
- Hon. Treasurer: Barbara Shotland
- Hon. Secretary: Karen Schwartz
- Executive Board Members: Miriam Levy, Ruth Osen, Isabelle Shapiro OAM, Ruth Shteinman, Merle Ware, Suzy Wolanski
NSW Year in Review 2018
NAPCAN award 2018 –MUM FOR MUM received one of two NAPCAN awards for NSW at a Parliamentary breakfast on Tuesday 4th September during Child Protection Week. NAPCAN is the National Association for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect Parliament House. The Advocacy for Young People have made a video of the program together with an endorsement from our Ambassador Prof Marie-Paule Austin.
MUM FOR MUM also received the 2018 Volunteer of the Year Team Awards from the Australian Centre for Volunteering. We were nominated by Gabrielle Upton MP, Member for Vaucluse and Waverley Council.
It was MUM FOR MUM NCJWA’s 10th Anniversary and we held a celebratory Mother’s Group event:
NCJWA NSW launched an exciting new project producing and distributing reusable sanitary kits for women in developing countries.
Millions of girls of menstruation age miss a week of school each month because they do not have the funds to buy sanitary towels and tampons. This equates to almost 3 months a year and leads to loss of dignity and significant gaps in their education. As a result these girls often drop out of school completely. Girls are forced to use bits of old fabric, newspaper or bark and this can lead to infection and shame. This problem has a solution that leads to better school attendance, empowerment and joy for this special biological time in each girl’s life.
Grandmothers, mothers, daughters and men, joined us on Sunday 4th March as we partnered with DAYS FOR GIRLS, Beecroft, learnt about the program and made kits.
Our main Jewish Womens Breast Cancer Network/NCJWA Cancer Support Network event for the year took place on Wednesday 3 October, 10.30am, with Dr Lesley Andrews, cancer genetics specialist, as our guest speaker. Dr Andrews discussed What’s new in Breast Cancer Genetics and launched the new “Jenescreen” BRCA testing program.
In June and July 2018 NCJWA NSW once again held Birthing Kit Packing Days. In the two Birthing Kit Packing Days nearly 100 volunteers packed 1200 Birthing Kits with major support from Moriah College students on Sunday afternoon 8 July 2018. This very worthwhile endeavour helps prevent infection and saves the lives of mothers and babies in developing countries.
We were very impressed with the students, both male and female working very hard for this cause. And really, they did work very hard, with smiles and much diligence.