All News
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Anti-Semitism
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Statement on 18C & Freedom of Speech
We believe that the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) plays a crucial role in ensuring that vulnerable people are protected from hate speech and vilification based on race. We believe that freedom of speech is a very important right but not an absolute right and is...
Mitzvah Day Concert (WA)
Mitzvah Day Concert [image link="http://" link_title="" target="_self" open_as="fancybox" fancybox_group="" width="300" height="220" alt="" align="right" margin_top="0" margin_right="0" margin_bottom="30"...
Pink Sunday (WA)
Pink Sunday 25 October 2015 [image link="http://" link_title="" target="_self" open_as="fancybox" fancybox_group="" width="300" height="220" alt="" align="right" margin_top="0" margin_right="0" margin_bottom="30"...
Status of Women Report
This must necessarily be very brief as Negba Weiss-Dolev and I have only just taken on the role of co-chairing this committee. In consideration of the taking of this position we have consulted with various Directors of sections to find out what the organization as...
Israel Affairs and Tourism Report
There is a great concern in Israel with the fears of a third Palestinian Intifada. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has pledged firm action against what he called an unrecognised ‘wave of terror’, warning there was no ‘magic solution’, with stabbings, fire...
Interfaith & Intercultural Report
Following our workshop discussion at the Conference in Sydney, I will try to change the Interfaith and Intercultural Report in some more effective way of promoting this important portfolio. I sent already to all Section Presidents the “Women Achievers” kit, on how...
Health Report
Shalom to all Executive members. I do hope you had a pleasant and healthy month of Yom Tov. There is not much to report from the Health Portfolio as I have not heard much from the Sections. I know Western Australia have been busy and have had several functions...
Celebrating Israel 2015
“Celebrating Israel” marks the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of Resolution 181, the Partition Plan, on 29 November 1947, calling for the establishment of a Jewish State alongside an Arab State thus leading to the establishment of the State of...
National Scholar-in Residence Program
Elana Maryles Sztokman Elana Maryles Sztokman is an award-winning author, sociologist, educator, activist and thinker in the field of Orthodox Jewish Feminism. She was trained in education, sociology and Judaism. She has lectured throughout Israel, and also worked...